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New Materials

Superconductors Magnetication: Bulk YBCO and GdBCO. IDMEC


1) Formulation of a distributed parameter model of YBCO  for simulation of electromagnetic and thermal properties. 

2) Study of the pulsed magnetization process of the YBCO superconductor cooled to 77K: the number of pulses required for the magnetization of the material;

3) Selection of optimized magnetic circuit topology for a low-speed generator of 20kW; 

4) Development and testing of a prototype of the magnetic circuit  for the generator of 20kW applied to water turbines. 



Check our paper: 

1) J. Arnaud, J. Fernandes and P. Branco, "Modifying the Pulsed-Field-Magnetization Technique for HTS Bulks in Electrical Machines Without Magnetic Field Sensors," in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. doi: 10.1109/TASC.2018.2801323

Main Tasks:

1) Study of the pulsed magnetization process of the YBCO superconductor cooled to 77K. The following aspects are considered:

a)the number of pulses required for the magnetization of the material;


b)and the ability to maintain the magnetization level of the YBCO when subject to time-varying external fields;

- Consecutive magnetization pulses at low voltage (Maximum B around 0.4T);

-    Increase of "trapped" magnetic flux density;

- Change of the pulse transient (with the same voltage);

- Increase or decrease of maximum "trapped" B  

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