Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical Systems

New Materials
Study of the thermodynamic processes during the cooling of YBCO Blocks in LN2. IDMEC
1) Identify and validate models for verified thermodynamic processes;
2) Numerical estimation and experimental measurement of the energy and LN2 mass consumption rates.
Check our paper:
1) Antonio J. Arsenio; Rui Melicio; Carlos Cardeira; and P. J. Costa Branco, "The Critic Liquid-Gas Phase Transition between Liquid Nitrogen and YBCO HTS bulks: from FEM Modeling to Its Experimental Study for ZFC Levitation Devices," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2018.2801352

Main Conclusions
1) Due to high temperature gradients nearby the YBCO bulk boundary, there is phase change from liquid to gas during cooling stage;
2) Releasing of bubbles creates a turbulent flow with formation of vortexes above YBCO blocks;
3) The necessary time for initial cooling is almost 1 minute.